Shuford Technology - Best Email Marketing Service.

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Best Email Marketing Service.

Best Email Marketing Service.

There are a lot of email marketing options available for your website.
Over the years I have used close to twelve different services, and in this blog post I’m going to let you know which one is the best, and why.

What’s the best?
Mail Chimp… Why?

It’s easy to use
it’s easy to add to an existing website
and it’s easy to get it working the way you want it to work

Just about every content management system out there has support for Mail Chimp.
Wordpress, Concrete5, Drupel, Joomla, etc.

If you’re not using a content management system, and still relying on tried and true raw HTML/CSS Code. Mail Chimp will still work for you, and is still easy to setup.

Mail Chimp has awesome reporting and analytic data for every campaign you send, it has an easy to use form builder, it has TONS of built in email templates, it has built in features for A/B split testing, list segmentation, removing duplicate emails, auto campaigns, and so much more.

We help our clients integrate Mail Chimp into their website and marketing plans so frequently that we know firsthand how powerful this service truly is.

If you’re looking for an easy to use, but powerful email marketing system and service for your business. Give Mail Chimp a try, we can promise you that it will be everything you need, and so much more.


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